Protecting the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS)

Wisconsin Retirement System is independently rated #1 in the United States. The WRS is a shared risk, defined benefit pension program serving 572,000 active public employees and retirees. The system is fully funded (meaning WRS assets are large enough to cover all expected current and future retirement payments). WRS has provided guaranteed, family-supporting retirement income since 1985. Pensions are paid with participant contributions and investment earnings, not taxpayer dollars. WRS has never failed to meet an obligation or required a taxpayer bailout. The system is also affordable. Wisconsin state and local government spending for pension contributions were 1.26% of total government spending in 2009.

POWRS advocates protecting WRS by monitoring legislative changes and alerting interested persons to potential threats. Follow us on FACEBOOK or sign the PROTECT WRS PETITION to keep informed on issues affecting WRS.

WRS and Its Value to Wisconsin

These POWRS fact sheets provide accurate information about WRS, how it works, who pays for it, how it benefits public employees and it value to the taxpayers of Wisconsin

WRS Fact Sheet

Debunking the Myths about WRS “Reform” 

Tinkering with the WRS: Very Bad Idea Without the Facts!

Wisconsin Retirement System: Debunking the Myths

WRS: Needed by Everyone

Political Attacks on WRS

History of Threats to WRS

WRS Under Attack

Secure Retirements for Everyone

It won’t be there for me” and other myths about retirement

Solidarity on Retirement (Why private sector unions should support WRS)

Other Resources

Public Pension Defense Toolkit (A collaboration between the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems and the National Public
Pension Coalition).  

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